

Lighting technology is the technical-scientific discipline that deals with the illumination of spaces and environments, both internal and external, both by using sunlight and artificial light. Lighting technology means, as the term itself indicates, “lighting technique”. Producing an artificial lighting project implies not only the knowledge of lighting technology, but also interdiscplinary knowledge, such as:

  • View physiology and psychology: human eye light feeling, lightning ergonomics, visual comfort
  • Architecture e design: choice of the right light depending on the internal or external setting, buildings, monuments, squares, gardens, museums
  • Bioarchitecture: greatest possible use of solar light in order to decrease green house gases
  • Electrical Engineering: use of electricity in lightning, kind of light bulbs, plant design
  • Law and Regulation: security (emergency lightning), eco-saving, light pollution.

Mastertech has played in this sector since the beginning, first with the production of ballast reactors for the automotive sector (buses and ambulances) up to modern LED lighting systems.

Our experience is provided for each lighting necessity: systems powered by the net or by the batteries, for the home as well as automotive branches, fixed tension or not.